Jemma, our resource and development leader and qualified teacher, shares her top activities for both primary and secondary students that will make the last few weeks of term fly by!
- Get creative and put together a scrapbook made of all the children’s work from the school year, and then let them take it home.
- Create a class memory tree from leaves, hands or butterflies. Provide each student with a leaf, and ask students to write down and decorate it with their favourite memory of the year.
- Take learning outside. Complete treasure hunts, math puzzles, science experiments, your class’s art projects or even read.
- Get active and play team sports. Like rounders, obstacle courses or aerobics to your classes favourite songs.
- Write a class story. Decide on an event and organise the scenes. Allocate the chapters out to groups to write and then come together to read as a class.
- Complete a Dragon’s Den or Apprentice style project. Turn on the competition with a prize for the most voted winner.
- Ask students to write a thank you letter to one of their teachers, then post them in the teacher’s staff tray.
- Student voice. Ask students to complete a survey based on the year’s topics. What did they enjoy the most? The least? Why? What would they love to include?
- Have a class debate. Move the desks for students to sit in a circle. Nominate a student to chair the debate and pick a recent topic.
- Get the students into groups and ask them to give themselves an imaginative name, in the style of a pub quiz. Include core content the students will also need for the following year.
We hope these activities listed above are helpful and make the last few weeks before summer a lot easier! Do you have any other activities you would like to share? Get in touch today.
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