We sat down with our two new apprentices, Ruby (left) and Hannah (right), recently to see how their first couple of months have been since joining Athona Education.
Having fitted in seamlessly to the team and already successfully supporting the team as resourcers, we can’t wait to hear how they’ve been finding their new roles:
What is your role at Athona Education?
We are both apprentices, completing our apprenticeship with The LightBulb as recruitment resourcers.
When did you join the company?
Ruby: I joined back in November 2022.
Hannah: I then joined a couple of weeks after Ruby.
What were you doing before?
Ruby: Before starting at Athona Education, I was working as an admin assistant for a roofing company, but had the desire for a new challenge.
Hannah: Before I joined I was attending St Martins Sixth form where I was studying sociology, physiology and music. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy the school environment anymore and decided that I wanted look for a role within an office and start my career. An apprenticeship seemed the best opportunity for me.
What made you want to work in recruitment?
Ruby: I really enjoyed the customer services side of my role as well as the admin work, so speaking to candidates and working on their compliance files is ideal for me. I’m very friendly and approachable so getting to chat with candidates and build those relationships is great for me.
Hannah: I wanted to work in recruitment as it is a very sociable job which involves working with a range of different people. I also really enjoy helping people find careers in order to help them provide for themselves as well as their family.
Is the industry what you thought it would be?
Ruby: As I have never worked in the industry before I didn’t know what to expect, but so far from what I have learnt I am really enjoying it!
Hannah: I didn’t really have much of an expectation working within recruitment, but so far it has been a really enjoyable experience.
Whilst you’re still new to Athona Education, what have been your first impressions of the company?
Ruby: Everybody has been very welcoming and helpful, it’s a lovely working environment.
Hannah: The company has some really strong and positive benefits which makes it enjoyable to work for – I also appreciate the many incentives the company provides. Alongside this, I really appreciate the encouragement and kindness of the members of the team. Everyone has made me feel welcome and have been very supportive.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Ruby: My day is spent finding candidates, reading CV’s and contacting them to talk through what they are looking for, where they live etc. and matching them to job roles we have available. I communicate with the consultants so they are aware of the candidate and then work on their compliance to get them ready for work. I also spend part of my day working on my apprenticeship.
Hannah: My role as an apprentice resourcer is to source suitable CVs in order to find the right type of candidate for long term or short term positions. I also have to follow up with candidates for their compliance documents such as passports, driving licences, DBS etc. in order to ensure they are compliant to work with children. Not forgetting of course also completing work for my apprenticeship.
What apprenticeship are you working towards?
Ruby: I am doing a recruitment resource apprenticeship.
Hannah: I am working towards a Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship.
Why did you choose to start an apprenticeship and what would you say to someone considering one?
Ruby: I decided to do an apprenticeship because I enjoy learning on the job rather than from a book. I would 100% recommend starting an apprenticeship to anyone who is considering it.
Hannah: I would recommend doing an apprenticeship as it gives you good experience within an industry, as well as learning and gaining a qualification at the same time. I personally began an apprenticeship because I wanted to start work and gain some office-based experience.
What is your favourite thing about working here?
Ruby: My favourite thing about working here is how nice the team is.
Hannah: My favourite thing about working here is how lovely and supportive my team is. Also Jen making me my drink in the morning
Which celebrity would you choose to play you in a film?
Ruby: Well my choice is not a celebrity as such, but I would choose the character Elle Woods from Legally Blonde because she always wear pink and so do I, and she is really smart!
Hannah: I think I would choose Merida from Disney’s Brave to play me in a film as she rebels against her culture to become independent person but also learns a lesson to value and respect her family.
Tell us something interesting about you
Ruby: I love horses and have competed since I was 6 years old, my favourite thing is riding my horse in the sea.
Hannah: I have achieved grades in singing, and my specialist subject in a quiz would be music.
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T: 01277 245840
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